
Outcome of Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)

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The AGM of the Company was held on Friday, 30th December 2022, at 9.00 a.m., Dublin time, in accordance with the notice and ancillary documents previously sent to shareholders with the Annual Report and Accounts in respect of the financial year ended 30th June 2022.

All resolutions before IMC’s shareholders were approved and, there being no further business, the AGM was declared closed at 9.35 a.m., Dublin time.

Copies of the documents referred to above and of this announcement are downloadable from IMC's website.

Eamon P. O’Brien,
Executive Chairman,
Dublin, 30th December 2022

The Directors of IMC, after due and careful enquiry, accept responsibility for the contents of this announcement.

About IMC Exploration

IMC Exploration Group plc (IMC) is currently listed on the London Stock Exchange market (Ticker: IMC). IMC has a Mineral Resource that is classified as ‘inferred’ and has been reported in accordance with the JORC Code (2012). IMC holds properties in southeast Ireland that are highly prospective for gold, copper and other base metals. These include the world famous historic Avoca copper mine.

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Contact details

IMC Exploration Group plc,
70 Ballybough Road,
Dublin 3, Ireland

Telephone: +353 872819215

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